Invisible Israel: The Crossing

Fundraiser Table of Contents:

I) Hello / Dream of the Cross Manifestation / QnA
II) Project Overview
III) Message of the Latter House
IV) Project Scope / Timeline
V) Fundraising Costs
VI) Back to the Future
VII) Inspiration

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What follows is a dream of the cross and its manifestation. With your help, I hope to preserve its grounds as a memorial, establish a welcome center, church, school house and a 'latter house' but time is of the essence to make the invisible real. I'll explain as we go. . . the pictures will speak for themselves:

At first a dream of this cross, followed by its appearance over a special house ...  
the symbolic "Latter House Cabin" ... to be continued further down this page:
Nearby to this cross stands the future Invisible Israel Ministry and school (still vacant at the time of writing. I believe the grounds have been designated for the Invisible Israel Project):

Securing this property is the goal of the fundraiser, which will be completed with the building of the Invisible Israel Tabernacle Church, and memorial dedication to the cross:

Hello, and welcome.

This is the message of Invisible Israel.

The cross above was a gift once given to me . . . which first came in a dream.

One week later the same cross appeared. Just as it did on the dream tree.

First read Mark 12:27 as I elaborate below. I'm sharing this today for the first time.

Fundraising Goals:

1) To convey an outline of events surrounding the cross, as I write it all out for the first time.
2) To demonstrate the message of the cross as it relates to the "Crossing of America" with today's Great American Eclipse, 08/21/17.
3) How God put this project on my heart in order to establish this location with the name Invisible Israel.
4) Establish and occupy territory for the Kingdom. For future generations. "on Earth as it is in heaven" Matthew 6.
5) Sound the biblical warning given by Jonah to the city of Nineveh. Just as they witnessed the Bur Sagale Eclipse prior to judgment...
6) Establish how the biblical sign of Jonah, in fact, relates to today's eclipse. "...there shall no sign be given but the sign of the prophet Jonas" Mat 16:4 
7) All of this, working towards the greater good, and with hope for 2 Chronicles 7:14.

For most of us, seeing is believing.

The Invisible Israel Project is about making the invisible real.

About bringing heaven on earth, right here in America.

About bringing the cross to life, just as He did for me.

So I dedicate my testimony below to help do my part in delivering the Good News.

Invisible Israel is a mission with a vision.

The vision given includes a future Invisible Israel ministry, dedicate a physical church and school located at the welcome center in the picture above. A school initiative that will help re-establish bibles in classrooms across America through online and physical distribution. 

My wish is that Invisible Israel be recognized as a 21st century American land-mark.
One meant to be shared with others, preserved, and dedicated as holy ground until the time comes for Jesus to rule and reign during the millennial age.

Until our heavenly Father creates the New Earth for His children.

On a personal note, there is a small window of time to complete this project, therefore my wish is to secure the grounds to this property before it's too late. Ultimately out of my control and in God's hands. May Invisible Israel become a beacon of light for America.

Look up!

For a brief moment today we watch the American eclipse crossing of August 21st, 2017 as one nation under God. It's a day of great importance for America for she is given a sign of the cross.

Over 2000 years ago Jesus freely gave to us a gift on the cross to redeem mankind from the sins of the world.  So now I share this gift of the cross, along with an accompanying message meant specifically for America today. America, you are a house of the crossing.

I) Dream of the Cross / QnA

Testimony. The pictures you see were taken on September 21st, 2002, seven days after the dream of an invisible finger that swiped this cross on a tree.

I recognized the same tree in the dream as the physical one upstate New York where this took place. However I was 120+ miles away in New Jersey at the time. That following week there was an intense burning to know if it was really true.

The following weekend I made it there, lo and behold. This manifestation occurred nearly one year after building a family cabin on the property between March 2001 and November 2001.

Q&A Session.

Q: Could it have been there prior to your dream?

A: The cross marking was recent given time needed for tree ring growth. So it would have been spotted by more than one witness (besides me) since it appeared directly in front of and facing the cabin it appeared next to. You can see the exact location where I circled it in one of the construction photos below.

Q: It looks like white spray paint?

A:  It does, but on closer inspection there's something I can't put my finger on, you know? As in please reach hither thy finger Thomas, John 20:27 ... :) You can almost see the slight mist around it. Technically it doesn't make sense to try spraying on paint (with a stencil?) when you can tell they are swipe marks.

No lab tests were done to test for paint. For those who don't believe when the time comes, I'll gladly preserve this section of the tree for testing. With that said my dream was as clear as you see in the picture.

Q: This occurred in 2002? Why are you sharing now?

A: Invisible Israel must be planted this year for America, and as of today, the seed being planted is accomplished. I await its watering. Younger generations are in need of *visible* reasons to believe in Him right now with current events across the land... and as you can see, He has clearly given us one.

This year also happens to be the 500th anniversary for the reformation of Martin Luther. Although the Invisible Israel Tabernacle Church will be Christian non-denominational, I agree with Luther that reintroducing the bible in schools must be at the heart of it.
Q: What's with the name Invisible Israel?

A: It's a personal testimony and a name given to a place where the sign appeared. It's also a project also based on the biblical principle of seed giving found in Matthew 13:8. May you in turn be blessed a hundred fold in the giving as a new seed is planted today.

II) Project overview
----------------------------------------- - Church, Mission Center, Cross Memorial. 

A personal mustard seed for America to bring forth many branches. The seed funding for Invisible Israel would be considered an educational grant ... one that secures both the cross memorial and future school house locations. It will go to build the physical church, restore the school house  (to double as a welcome center), and to dedicate the cross memorial for future generations. Last but not least, it will restore the original Latter House Cabin.

There is more to the 'latter house' story, but more on that later.  As you will see, I believe this project to be appointed by and designated by Father Himself.

The school house you see below has been sitting vacant for years and is very near to the cross manifestation site. I've always believed it would serve as welcome center and home to the future school (Neugardens Institute). My goal is to begin with renovations to the existing house and property. It would be based on a timeline further down the page with a tentative opening before the 2nd American eclipse crossing in 2024.

After the renovations to the welcome center/ school house are complete, it will be followed by building of the Invisible Israel Tabernacle Church. My first impressions of what it might look like (large dome home style tabernacle).

Future School: The Neugardens Institute. To be located at the welcome center and serve as a network cultivation organization to manage the Invisible Israel Project and all its related charitable works. Since 2011, Neugardens has been creating online courses in advance of this educational initiative... which aims to provie online integration for public schools, with biblical study courses, tools, & apps (would need funding to finalize curriculums for release).

As an educational initiative, in the future we wish to implement teaching materials distributable to public education systems nationwide. Today your seed funding allows the online school operations to take root, and later to follow the physical school to start operations before 2024. Then, take root and branch across the USA.
III) Message of the Latter House


There's a larger story to the cross which I'd like to show you now. So please allow me to introduce myself first, by introducing my family. My great-grandfather immigrated from Switzerland to the United States at the turn of the 20th century. Through an act of being the Good Samaritan, he made it to America.

Unknowingly he had helped the President of the New York Times whose horse and buggy became stuck in the Alps and took him for a tour. In return, he was later offered a job as treasurer for the paper. He later built a family cabin in the Ramapo Mountains of NJ, which incidentally held school board meetings as future plans may find history repeating.

(circa 1968)

My father visited the cabin in his youth and was a caretaker of the property along with his grandfather. As time passed, the property changed hands and larger family gatherings had ceased. Then in 2001, my father and I built a modest cabin, which essentially restored the generational family tradition.

(above: David Sr., David Jr)

After the cross manifestation occurred, two verses in particular have been with me ever since:

“Go up to the mountain, and bring wood, and build the house; and I will take
pleasure in it, and I will be glorified, saith the Lord of Hosts.” Haggai 1:8

“The glory of this latter house shall be greater than of the former; saith the
ABBA of hosts: and in this place I will give peace, saith the Lord of hosts.” Haggai 2:9

Almost one year after the cabin was built, a dream of the cross occurred and physically appeared over a latter house. Well a biblical "house" describes a group of families.

In light of Jeremiah 31:31 we can also find correlation with the House of Judah and the House of Israel.

What else does a biblical house also involve?

Family traditions.

What do the verses in Haggai speak of?

His eternal temple.

There is greater significance to what the Father's Latter House means. We can draw parallels to a greater significance for America and Israel. America is indeed a Latter House:

... and in light of today's eclipse the message of the latter house becomes even more profound in its meaning.


First, let us set aside the fact my niece is, at this moment, being born.


Next let's note the words 'house' and 'peace' bolded in those Haggai verses.

House of Peace
Peace = Shalom = Shalem = Salem
America = United House of Peace (7 Salems)

Moment: Solar eclipse will hit Oregon's coast approximately same time as sunset in Jerusalem. 

This is the moment that links America (USA) together with JerUSAlem the 'City of Peace'.

America, are you paying attention? You are Invisible Israel.

The Great American Eclipse today is passing over the Father's latter house of Israel.

We can also say a 'latter house' of 'peace', JUST LIKE a cross manifesting directly over the Latter House Cabin in the photos above. May His peace rest upon you today.




What are family traditions but covenants we keep with one another?

We can find the new covenant  with Jesus in Jeremiah 31:31-34 and Hebrews 8:8. Yes the New Testament itself, as our Father's original covenant is found in Genesis 9:13 "I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth."

(above: double rainbow over White House 8/3/2017)

A time to rebuild. Invisible Israel begins with a rescue project to prevent the structural collapse of the original cabin. Ice heave & water erosion over the years requires jacking to reset the foundation. It will also need a new front and back deck, siding, gutters, and other renovation costs. Depending on funding, more permanent solutions will be considered for its restoration. 

I hope by now you are seeing this is more than just preserving a piece of American history or my own. My inspiration is here:

"After this I will return and will rebuild the tabernacle of David which has fallen down; I will rebuild its ruins, and I will set it up; so that the rest of mankind may seek YHWH, even all the nations who are called by my name (Acts 15:16-17)."

IV) Project Scope / Timeline

invisible israel america
Earlier this year I recognized Invisible Israel may have a greater destiny. Just as I believe America has a greater destiny as the House of Israel. . .

What is the Invisible Israel Project for America?

A symbolic initiative to restore one nation under God. We can only accomplish this as a family which means loving God and neighbor. Matthew 22:36-40. Consider how Jesus condensed the entire 10 commandments into the 2 greatest commandments...

First 4 = Love God
2nd 6 = Love Neighbor 

Two houses, one purpose.
  It represents both a physical house and spiritual house ". . . on earth as it is in Heaven". The United States of Israel would appropriately describe the two houses joined as one.

Inspired from start to finish. The plan here is to stretch every dollar for maximum impact without sacrificing on quality. To source materials made in the U.S.A. and hire experts where needed. To create a divinely inspired atmosphere devoted to God the Father.

Ensure all future maintenance costs are self-sustainable with solar and energy efficient design (preferably a dome home styled church layout).

Timeline. With today's announcement, the goal is to finish before the next USA eclipse in 2024. The outline below is a rough sketch but conveys the idea for the purpose of sharing:


You make the invisible real! All contributor's names will be included on the founder's monument and displayed at the welcome center.

V) Fundraising Costs

Funding Goal & Amount. Each component in the project list below has variables depending on total funding. I do hope to have an estimate of what that will be as soon as possible. An immediate 10% tithe will be donated directly to those in need in the surrounding area.

The dollar amounts below are just afterthoughts from calculating the original vision. Acquiring the properties is the first step, then structural costs alongside school initiative.

$680k USD milestone = properties acquired. This secures the property so I can begin working on rehabbing the welcome center and preparing the physical school requirements. The sooner I know what I can work with the faster I can finalize the project timeline.

$2.9 million USD milestone = project fully funded.  This includes the building and renovation costs according to timeline (cabin rescue effort, rehabbing welcome center, building the church).
$7.5 million USD milestone = no expense spared. My original vision of 'bringing heaven to earth', complete with extra buildings for schooling, lodging, multimedia studio and press outlet) I was sparing no expense because of the *why* :)

My costs also factor in labor and equipment for renovating the school house & welcome center, along with required resources to fund the school operations. This extends to include the media publishing & production house for bible course material and developing custom apps to integrate for students K-12+.

Property Costs. As mentioned this includes the cross memorial site and school house / welcome center site along with the future church.


Invisible Israel Welcome Center.
  Home to the future Neugardens Institute. Housing for this structure already exists and is in need of renovation. Further structures are planned for accommodating large groups to visit memorial in the future.

Welcome Center: Future Lodging, Activities & Amenities. One or more structures to be built for visiting, lodging, cafeteria, and publishing house depending on funds received.  May include indoor/outdoor ampitheater for school events.  Outdoor pavilion with a pool, and even helipad access exists for future expansion.

Invisible Israel Cross Memorial Site.
To establish the outdoor memorial dedicated at the base of the tree, and restore the original Latter House Cabin. Hiking paths will connect the monument with cabin and nearby pond.
The Invisible Israel Tabernacle Church. A dome home style structure has been planned, with outdoor pavilion. It approximates what you see below. I would like to include a tabernacle mosaic floor (for a temporary wall setup) using stained glass art.

The secondary dome. Building a second dome depending on funding received. It would be ideal to serve as second cottage to visit the memorial site directly.

Renovation Costs. To renovate welcome center and memorial site cabin. Foundation overhaul project and associated labor and equipment costs. Front and back deck with interior and exterior renovations will be needed.

Electric, water, septic. Accounts for all welcome center and school additional lodging and bringing electric to the memorial site which may be costly.  The funding received will determine whether solar power and hand well pumps are the better option.

Equipment, labor and maintenance for renovating and building new structures. In the future, may involve hiring local and professional school staff, covering expenses for volunteers who would like to take part in this project.

Waterworks. The welcome center and memorial sites both have swimming ponds. To build a dock for each and fountain system installed to aerate waters along with terraced stone entrances (for easy baptismal access).

Landscape and Hardscape. Outdoor botanical gardens lining pathways winding up to the cross monument. New gardens planted at the welcome center. Driveways and parking areas planned for both sites. website, hosting. To include site information, directions, events, outreach, booking and receiving donations to support staff / volunteers.

"Invisible Israel: Crossing America". To chronicle and write the story book that began the project. That shares the depth of this message to America. I'd like to publish this to inspire and uplift all who receive it in Y'shua's Name.

Neugardens Institute.  To establish the first school located at the welcome center (the online school is almost ready to open). Neugardens Institute will distribute, coordinate and facilitate the Invisible Israel Project of America.

Neugardens Institute

Mission Objectives.
- Serve America's 21st century educational reformation.
- Provide accelerated learning tools for empowering teachers that raises student scores across the nation.
- Develop & design distributable programs for subjects including bible-based products, courses, and apps, and various types of seed projects.
- Long-term goal to assist public schools at state and local levels with curriculum-on-demand product suite.

- Phase I: Course subjects to be offered individually.
- Phase II: Bundled courses, broken down into subjects.
- Phase III: Tie-in courses created for bundled courses.
- Bible-based courses, learning apps for K-12 students.
- Accessible for download or via online account login.

Cultivate networks.
- Augment individual student strengths. Allow for teachers and students to choose streamlined subject matter based on their gifts, interests and abilities. Implement the "learn more, memorize less" approach.
- Placing importance on career opportunites for students before graduation. Create networking opportunities in the towns where students already live to build stronger communities.


Educational Tablets & Apps
-Developing standardized apps for biblical education exploring and offering fun ways for students create, present, and demonstrate using interactive media.
-To help school admins, teachers, and students to encourage distraction free environments with dedicated tablets and/or apps.
-Replace and/or stem use of smartphones in the classroom. Assign to allow students basic online access to work, research or for emergency contact.
- Allows for parent-teacher transparency for *what* materials are being taught to students.
- Bridge the communication gap between parents & teachers regarding age-appropriate filters, reducing student exposure to explicit or harmful content.
- Allow for networking with the app between students and classrooms across county/state schools nationwide.
- Tablet designs to feature intuitive user interface that blends type, touch, stylus... and eventually hand gestures (for Hebrew letters) using future technology.
-Preparing for emerging technology in consumer markets with comprehensive bible-based materials, games, and multimedia for all age groups K-12+.

Heirloom Seed Projects.
- Sprouting kit programs distributable for schools to help teach students growth lessons, accountability, and responsibility for nurturing life starting at an early age.
- Heirloom packets in bulk for schools, water testing kits, and associated project tools.
- Provides additional source of nutrition (ie. wheat grass) as a food source available during school hours (should be included with free lunch programs).

Green Thumb Apps to be distributed with this project
- Connect schools together based on seed counts
- Requests can be made trading different seeds (fruits, vegetables, sprouts) on an open public blockchain to record seed share transactions.

VI) Back to the Future


In keeping with new gardening analogies, I'd like to close this message with another one from a potential future. Here are  7 short points which recall Invisible Israel's historical accomplishments if written a century from now.

                1.) - Invisible Israel is the name given to an American Christian tabernacle church located in Nineveh, NY; founded at the site of a now famous 2002 cross manifestation. Project of the same name began on the great American eclipse of August 21st, 2017.
                 2.) - Invisible Israel started as a rescue effort to prevent a structure built in 2001 from collapse in New York. Those who witnessed the collapse of the Twin Towers on September 11th recognized the significance and founded the project.
                 3.) - Invisible Israel was announced in the same year of Martin Luther's 500th anniversary of the Reformation. Likewise, the project played a role in America's reformation of one nation under God and built bridges between many faith leaders and denominations.
                 4.) - An educational and faith based initiative in America both *founded* and *funded* purely by a blessing. In turn, Invisible Israel became a great force for charitable works and spreading the Gospel back into American culture.
                 5.) - Invisible Israel is home to the Neugardens Institute. The Neugardens educational approach was based on a 21st century reformed biblical, scientific, and business model synonymous today with American excellence in education.
                 6.) - The Neugardens Institute was instrumental in helping the U.S. Dept of Education boost student scores nationwide by using a curriculum-on-demand system. This resulted in the reintroduction of bibles in classrooms. In the late 2020's through the early 2040's, America re-emerged as a global marketplace export leader in many areas including bible-based educational works and publishing.
                 7.) - The original location in New York continues to serve as a mission center, school, and spiritual retreat in its nearly one hundred years of operation.

It is written on our currency 'In God we trust'.

I trust and believe your gift will bring forth greater fruit.

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Thank you.

“Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.” Isaiah 43:19
Thank you for receiving today's message.  I humbly receive all donations in His Name and plan to deliver at least 10% towards future charitable works. Updates will be shared either here or on the future & websites.

"Heavenly Father. Today we pray for America to repent and become a light unto the nations according to your Word in 2 Chronicles 7:14. We pray that Your children turn back to You, seek your face, as did the city of Nineveh in the time of Jonah. May You find us willing and eager to serve in accordance with Your will. We pray America's true destiny be fulfilled as one nation under God. Father we pray for the impossible, the unbelievable, and the inconceivable to happen through our hands, that it may bring glory to You and Your Son Jesus Christ Yeshua Hamashiyach, King of Kings, Prince of Peace, made after the order of Melchizedek King of Salem Amen."

